Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Rena Klingenberg has done it again!

Anybody who has even the slightest interest in jewelry making needs to check this out. Rena has updated and upgraded her entire site, she even changed the name to a more modern title and look " Jewelry Making Journal". It's great!

Now that Rena has included short videos you can see and hear her, what a great addition. Love it!

Go here to see an introduction: http://jewelrymakingjournal.com/about-jewelry-making-journal/

With all the marketing, display, information and business news you will get tons of info all for free, sign up for her newsletter, it is packed with help

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Millie has got Rocks on Sale!

Up to 50% OFF!!! whoohoo

She's even got Malachite on sale!!

(Don't tell her I told you but she said she's going to add more sale items very soon so check the site often, but please don't tell her I told you)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tips for Choosing Your Engagement Ring

by Jessica Carter 

Every year we see a new engagement ring trend. We have seen everything from vintage engagements rings, to princess cut diamond engagement rings. This year, however, is the year of the fancy diamond and other gemstones. This is thanks, in large part to Kate Middleton, who has been donning her beautiful blue sapphire engagement ring. Just follow these tips and you will be able to choose the perfect center stone for your ring without so much as hiccup.
  • 1. Color: when choosing a ring that involves color, it is important to keep the person who will be wearing it in mind. If your fiancé to be is not into bright colors, you might want to opt for something like a light pink or yellow, as opposed to a bright red or green.
  • 2. Durability: diamonds are a girl’s best friend in part because they are the strongest natural material on earth. Not all gemstones are as strong, pearls for example chip quite easily and are not ideal for a center stone. Do a quick check on the internet or with a jeweler once you’ve chosen a stone to make sure that it is durable and strong.
  • 3. Availability: when choosing a stone, making sure that the stone you want is widely available. Although fancy diamonds are increasing in popularity, their availability is not so widespread. This means that depending on what color you are searching for and what price range you have, you could have trouble finding the perfect center stone for your ring.
Have fun! Picking out an engagement ring is fun, picking out a colorful engagement ring is extra fun, so enjoy!

Jessica Carter has been in the jewelry industry for quite a while now, writing for http://www.diamondpriceguide.com/ as well as many other jewelry related sites on the web,
and now she has her own site, http://www.diamondclarity.info/, which is her area of expertise.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Jewelry Trend?

The more I read about jewelry trends the more I question the authority by which that news is written.  In New York, big color, big size, big money appears to be an on-going trend. The problem I see with that is first, not all of us like NY trends.

I just read an article about how New Yorkers are always (with emphasis on always) in style. I’m not trying to alienate New Yorkers but I don’t feel that is the fair representation of the vast majority of jewelry fashion today.  Ok, so if I live in the Midwest and I go out to the theater and wear a necklace that weighs more than I do, am I in style? Or do I want more sparkle hanging around my wrist than the chandelier?

As we are all individuals with individual taste a more practical attitude would seem appropriate from those reporting news about what the jewelry market trends are. After all there are thousands living in “small town” America.

Ok, what about a city like Portland, Oregon? The down to earth “keep Portland weird” types can be trendy, upscale and fashion conscious.  What Portlanders seem to appreciate more is the handcrafted wearable art and less is more types.

I have a habit of looking for what jewelry is being warn when I watch TV and I guarantee you that it isn’t that “in your face” or “look what I’m wearing” kind of jewelry. Oh sure, there is a couple of hosts that wear that type of jewelry but it isn’t the majority by any means.

I’d really like to see jewelry news report what is happening rather than being the advertiser for high end, runway type jewelry. I’d like to see HSN admit that their “one of a kind” jewelry piece has 10,000 replicas sitting in their warehouse waiting to be shipped!

 I think all of us who are self-representing home based jewelers should start our own, on-line jewelry news publication.

Rita Juhlin

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hmmmmm. . . . .

This bamboo is home to a couple of my humming bird friends. Somehow they manage to hang around all winter long with the aide of a feeder. Although it doesn't freeze often here in Portland OR it does freeze once and awhile so the feeder is brought in over night and put out, promptly, in the morning.

Apparently the bamboo is dense enough to keep the birds fairly dry and makes a good wind break as well. It is amazing how close they come to me, sometimes only a foot away. I'm sure they are making sure their food is safe.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Buy these at Overstocked with Rocks

Shipping only $2.50 for orders under $20.00 and FREE shipping on orders $20.00 and over. Can't hardly beat that, great customer service too. Tell Millie, Rita sent you!!